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Creating a memorable brand experience for our clients while enhancing
the quality of life for all we serve.


Hospitality Design

Creation of effective design structures which results in being attractive, functional and even beneficial providing a quality of life to the clients.

Residential Design

Bringing light to an old space with modern architecture which explains the transition from a modern style home from a contemporary style home.

Restaurant Design

Establishment of a floor plan with an inviting yet safe entry with decorations done according to the atmosphere while making the Bar a focal point.

Corporate Design

A good corporate design results in making the company tangible. Building consistency with the client element for better trust resulting in the presentation of a uniform, clear image.

Commercial Design

Effective design strategies followed by the expertise provided by an architect relating in office renovation, commercial unit reinstatement along with renovating spaces within learning spaces.

Industrial Design

The objective lies in identifying market opportunity leading towards a design with scope of innovation along with developing an appropriate solution validating its creation.


3D floor Plan

Get effective floor plan with designs in 3D for a better understanding of the home including interior design.

A+ Green Material Selection

SV India offers compete assistance from its experts in selecting the best materials.

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